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Our media references in Germany  
Books »Wachsen in Nichsen« and »Gewinnen gegen die Größten«
published in German language
The book »Wachsen in Nichsen« was placed on the bestsellers list and among the Top Ten business books to read in Germany according to the Capital magazine and Financial Times newspaper.
Click on a clip below for the books' covers.
Media Companies - Organising for Global Industry Leadership
(contribution for the book »Strategic Management - A European Approach«)
Click on a clip below to read the full article or here for more information about the book.
Jeden Tag ein bisschen besser
(article in the Frankfurt Allgemine Zeitung)
Click on a clip below to read the full article or here for the online version in the FAZ.
Several articles published in the Handelsblatt magazine (in the Navigator column)
Click on a clip below to read full articles.
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