Our Story:

AV.consulting was established in 2015 by the Ingolstadt School of Management Professor Dr. Andrej Vizjak, a former PwC and A.T. Kearney senior consulting partner, and his wife Sonja Vizjak, with headquarters in Dubai.

AV.consulting offers clients online support in implementing the vision to “Be(come) The First in the World”.

This vision is based on our Success Formulas Methodology, which won the 2013 Global Advisory Challenge, a contest among 20.000 advisors from all continents. The award was presented by a jury, comprised of global advisory leaders at one of the “Big Four” professional services firms, which chose Success Formulas as the most influencial new consulting methodology.

The Success Formulas Methodology draws on statistical evidence based on a sample of more than 10.000 companies over a period of 15 years. The theories underlying Success Formulas have been published in several books translated into 12 languages worldwide, including English, Chinese, German, Italian, Polish and Russian.

AV stands for Ars Vivendi: digital consulting enables a flexible work schedule, mobility and home-office work, and attracts creative world-class experts, who prefer a modern way of life.

Curriculum Vitae of Andrej Vizjak, the Founder and CEO of AV.consulting

Andrej Vizjak was born on May 9, 1965 in Ljubljana. Several times in his career, he has achieved world-class distinction . He completed his studies at the Economic Faculty in Ljubljana in record time and obtained his PhD at Munich University, Germany, at the young age of 24. His doctoral research was on strategic planning – today in this field, he is recognized as one of the leading global experts.

Two years before graduation, he had already embarked on his consulting career, first in cooperation with McKinsey & Co and later at A.T. Kearney, where he was elected Principal in 1994 and Vice President in 2000. Afterwards, he achieved the leading market share in his South East European region. He was simultaneously studying at the Harvard Business School and appointed Professor at the Ingolstadt School of Management in Germany. As a board member and long-term consultant, he supported the development and implementation of Gorenje’s vision to become the world’s most design-driven innovator of home appliances.

He is the author of 25 books, published by globally leading houses and translated into 12 languages. With his Success Formulas methodology, he won the 2013 Global Advisory Challenge, a competition for the most influential consulting concept in the world.

Andrej Vizjak has leadership experience at the highest management level in multinational companies exceeding annual sales of $10 billion . He served as Executive Vice President of the Bertelsmann media company during 1995–2000, when it became the largest book publisher in the world. He was a Senior Partner and Chief Innovation Officer for Central and Eastern Europe of PwC during 2010–2015, when it was the largest advisory company in the world.

In 2015, he founded, together with his wife Sonja Vizjak, the Dubai-based company AV.consulting, with the vision to create the first digital consulting company. Now he is advising other companies on how to Be(come) The First in the World.